Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Under the Sea Mural

Brandon was hired to do a Mural at Kid's International Pre-school/Day Care. Since it was such a huge undertaking he hired me to help him.. What fun! I have had a blast even though I have been working all day, I go home and go out to the school and paint until almost midnight or later every night. This has been going on for six weeks now! But as you can see, the results are pretty cool. There will be a grand opening when it is all finished, so watch this post to find out when it will be if you want to come and check it out. Brandon's amazing talent is pretty awesome, and that he trusts me to paint with him is a miracle!


amberbuck said...

WOw! That is looking so great and totally awesome. I can't wait to see it in person!

amberbuck said...

I need to show you how to post more than one pic on one post. You don't have to post each picture by it self. Unless you meant to do that.